Welcome to Ceramic Review

Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.

Ceramic Review Issue 326

March/April 2024

Ceramic Review Issue 128

Mar / Apr 1991

A Taste of Mexico
- Gilles Le Corre

Gilles Le Corre whets our appetite

Ceramics and Education- Firing the Imagination
- Jennifer Payne

Jennifer Payne reports

Into Europe 1992
- Josie Walter

Josie Walter points the way

Crafts in Scotland
- Anne Lightwood, David Grant

Anne Lightwood and David Grant comment on proposed changes

Success with Sodium
- Ruthanne Tudball

Ruthanne Tudball explains her methods

David Ballantyne- Renaissance Man of Clay
- Peter Stoodley

Peter Stoodley pays tribute

Tina Vlassopulos
- Sharon Plant

Sharon Plant investigates the capricious pots of this versatile potter

Pioneer Studio Pottery
- David Leach

The Milner-White collection

Crystalline Glazes
- Mimi Dann

Mimi Dann reveals her secrets

A Potter's Progress
- John Calver

John Calver at work

A Potter's Day
- Christine-Anne Richards