Welcome to Ceramic Review

Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.

Ceramic Review Issue 326

March/April 2024

Ceramic Review Issue 115

Jan / Feb 1989

A Potter's Porcelain
- C S Hogg

C S Hogg writes about a new porcelain body

John Leach- Working Potter
- Richard La Trobe-Bateman

Richard La Trobe-Bateman gives his positive response

Bickley- Historic Technology for Contemporary Potters
- Ollie Kent, David Dawson

An overview by Ollie Kent and David Dawson

Aspects of Contemporary Ceramics
- Victor Margrie

Victor Margrie takes a critical look

Teaching and learning in Papua New Guinea
- Richard Phethean

Richard Phethean describes two years with VSO

Ceramics and Education
- Barbara Lock

Barbara Lock writes of teaching mentally handicapped young adults

Christine Bell Pearson
- Christine Bell Pearson

A potter details her approach to form and texture

A Paper Kiln
- Sebastian Blackie

Sebastian Blackie describes building and firing

Towards a Standard
- John Maltby
Made in Scotland
- Emmanuel Cooper

New work by Scottish

A Potter's Day
- Alan Wallwork

Alan Wallwork in Dorset